It's not a matter of it being creepy, or spooky. It's a matter of me being SO bad at trial and error. I'm one of those people who, in the Dark Souls series, never learn. I will try the same technique over and over until I feel that I am just terrible at the games.
Now, I HAVE completed Dark Souls 1 and 2. It may have taken me some years. Some tears. Some expletives. But I did it. Was it the hard way? Yes. Did I learn? No.
That's what I am afraid of with Elden Ring. I LOVE these games. I LOVE the idea of them. I feel so accomplished when I beat a boss or get through to the next bonfire. I don't love the middle. The adapting. The trying out giant hammers instead of fast swords.
I'm not saying these are bad things, I am just bad at them.
Gosh, does it look awesome though. There are mounts, giant enemies, open world. It's everything I want. Then I see the videos of people getting dominated out of the skies, surprise ground attacks and misrolls into misfortunes. It all looks hilarious happening to other people but it absolutely terrifies me.
*Elden Ring is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X and Series S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Microsoft Windows
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