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Showing posts with the label Backlog

REPLAY: Outriders

When Outriders was first announced back in 2019 I was skeptical. That is how I am with most games that are announced nowadays but still. The reasoning here was because it looked awesome. Whenever something in the video game space LOOKS awesome, watch out. **cough cough ANTHEM** Once the game finally came out in 2021, I took my chances. What is $60 to most humans anyway? Chump change?............... Going into the game with trained minimal expectations I was shocked. This game is FUN. Yep. Fun. I have a love in my heart for looter shooters (Borderlands, Destiny, etc) and Outriders delivers that love right back to me. "Go here, shoot these baddies, and then go here and shoot THESE baddies and then shoot this boss" is the formula and it feels great. Now Outriders does mix it up with its awesome skill and ability progression. You can choose between 4 classes that each offer their own gameplay styles and options. They range in style from your typical Tank class to your Assassin an

Is Saints Row Really THAT Bad?

What a loaded question the title of this article is. Why I decided to truly decide if this game is "good" or "bad" is actually beyond me. I've played about 30 hours of Saints Row and my conclusion is this: it's fun! Seriously. The writing may be weird and trying way too hard to resonate with a younger "woke" audience, the gameplay has its bugs (a fair share of them) and some of the missions can be bland or straight-up broken. But honestly, the game is one of the "turn your mind off and blow shit up" types of times. Full disclaimer, I bought this game at a 20 dollar price point. I do NOT think it's worth anything above 40.  With the launch Saints Row had and being nearly unplayable then, it seems to have been patched up quite a bit. Some troubles still linger and it is extremely noticeable when encountering something that's not right. For example, I started a side hustle (side mission) in between the main story. Every time I select

Backlog Chronicles: Scarlet Nexus

Scarlet Nexus released in 2021. I bought it, played for an hour or so, and then turned my attention to something else. I am sure you know how that goes. It's very rare that I do not like the game. More the "Oooh, shiny" approach I have had for the longest time to video games. Boy did I miss out. Scarlet Nexus is a fantastic action RPG developed by Bandai Namco Studios. Its anime-styled approach comes with tons of story elements through two main characters. You have Yuito and Kasane, both joining the OSF (the military of this world meant to fight Others which are monstrous alien creatures) as new recruits. They both have their own storylines that link up and to get the full picture, it is best to play through both characters. After you beat one, you have the option of a New Game Plus with the other. The writing here is great and I found myself wanting to know everything, even after I completed one story. I finished Yuito's first and absolutely had to go back to Kasane&

Backlog Chronicles: Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk is a game. That's it. It is for sure a video game. Besides that fact it very well may be one of the most unfortunate launches in video game history. How does it hold up nearly TWO years later? Let's find out! Cyberpunk starts you off with some choices. Always pretty nice. I started this game when it came out and thought the character creator was pretty awesome. Especially for how little you actually see your character since there is no 3rd person mode. Weird.  Picking your lifestyle and gameplay style is up next and I took a NOMAD route. An outlier to the streets of Night City. I do things my way and my way only. Unless it is a really hard dialogue choice and I pick whatever is best. All of this at launch was pretty fun and it still is. It crashed on me every 10 minutes or so back at launch and my clothes..kept...disappearing..but so far so good! One thing that plagued this game back in 2020 were random (over 1,000) issues that most players had encountered. UI leaving

Backlog Chronicles: Yakuza Kiwami

  Yakuza is a game and series I have always heard about since the Playstation 2 era. Back then I was interested in this type of genre but was wrapped up in the likes of True Crime, Grand Theft Auto and similar titles. Sad to say, Yakuza got overlooked. I even played through and loved the Shenmue series. This would have been right up my alley. Well. Here we are in 2022. I actually own all the Yakuza games (they are always on sale and I have a problem) and have still yet to play a single one. Until now. Yakuza Kiwami is a remake of the original title from back in 2005/2006. There is no better time than now to play an old classic because at this point it is probably remastered or ported to newer consoles. My first impressions upon loading the game up were crazy excitement. An energetic soundtrack showcases action packed scenes from points throughout the story and I cannot wait to experience them myself. We then set foot in Kazuma Kiryu's shoes as he runs through the city of  Kamurocho

Backlog Chronicles: The Outer Worlds

I have a ton of games in my backlog. A TON. Games, for whatever reason, are really good but I just haven't stuck with them. I will be the first to tell you that I get caught in the trap of playing the same Call Of Duty maps with friends rather than finish God Of War. I'm not proud of myself for this, but it happens far too often. So for 2022, I have decided to FINISH games that I have started. I got a jump on this by starting it this month. The game I wanted to complete first was The Outer Worlds. I started this game when it released initially back on the Xbox. Then, without playing more than 10 hours of it, I bought it again on sale on Playstation 4. I have a problem. Leave me alone. New save file, no problem. I'm glad I went this route because I could not remember a thing past the first 5 minutes of the game. All I know is I love Fallout New Vegas so I was SUPER interested in playing this. I decided that if I was going to playthrough the game for the first time, I wouldn&