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I'm Scared Of Elden Ring

     It's not a matter of it being creepy, or spooky. It's a matter of me being SO bad at trial and error. I'm one of those people who, in the Dark Souls series, never learn. I will try the same technique over and over until I feel that I am just terrible at the games. Now, I HAVE completed Dark Souls 1 and 2. It may have taken me some years. Some tears. Some expletives. But I did it. Was it the hard way? Yes. Did I learn? No. That's what I am afraid of with Elden Ring. I LOVE these games. I LOVE the idea of them. I feel so accomplished when I beat a boss or get through to the next bonfire. I don't love the middle. The adapting. The trying out giant hammers instead of fast swords. I'm not saying these are bad things, I am just bad at them.  Gosh, does it look awesome though. There are mounts, giant enemies, open world. It's everything I  want. Then I see the videos of people getting dominated out of the skies, surprise ground attacks and misrolls into misfor