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Showing posts with the label Fable

Looking For The Next Big Obsession

 There are a bunch of games out. A ton. There are even MORE games releasing on the horizon. After playing through the madness that was Far Cry 6, I have been looking for my next big adventure. My next 500 hour journey into a world that is not my own. There's only so many times I can go back to Skyrim, so what is next? There are plenty of short term story games to be excited about (I'm currently loving the new Guardians of the Galaxy game) but nothing that has grasped me to the point where I exclaim to the Gaming Gods "THIS IS THE ONE!" I do find myself beating a game and not really wanting to dive back into it. MMOs here are pretty exempt from the conversation because they are rather never ending. I want that Oblivion/Skyrim feel again. I want that Grand Theft Auto time suck. I'm not entirely sure what's going to immerse me again.  Battle Royales and First Person Shooters are great but it's very rare that I am actually interested or involved with their sto