I like the Nintendo Switch. I would like it a lot more with achievements (I need to feed my ego, leave me alone) but that is a topic for another day. The feeling of knowing I can take my console with me at any time and get a solid The Legend Of Zelda experience is weirdly comforting. Even if I never touch the thing while out, it becomes my safety net. What I do not like is how games that aren't Nintendo look and feel on it. Heck, even some Nintendo games (looking at you, Pokemon) are a drag to get going. This feeling impairs my safety net as now, if it's not a pixel art game like Stardew Valley or a first party Mario game, I am not wanting to boot it up. Now, I fully understand that the Switch was never intended to be a 4K powerhouse. That makes sense to me. What I don't get is what Nintendo expected the shelf life of the console to be. They know by now how fast technology moves and how fast things become obsolete. So it's strange to me that the Switch was not built wi...