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Halo Infinite Multiplayer Released!

 It's here and it is EARLY. The rumors of Halo Infinite's multiplayer dropping during the 20 Years Of Xbox celebration were spot on.  As of right now you can download Halo Infinite (the multiplayer) to your console or PC and play through the season 1 battle pass. All progress carries over for the full release in December! What are you waiting for? Go!

Looking For The Next Big Obsession

 There are a bunch of games out. A ton. There are even MORE games releasing on the horizon. After playing through the madness that was Far Cry 6, I have been looking for my next big adventure. My next 500 hour journey into a world that is not my own. There's only so many times I can go back to Skyrim, so what is next? There are plenty of short term story games to be excited about (I'm currently loving the new Guardians of the Galaxy game) but nothing that has grasped me to the point where I exclaim to the Gaming Gods "THIS IS THE ONE!" I do find myself beating a game and not really wanting to dive back into it. MMOs here are pretty exempt from the conversation because they are rather never ending. I want that Oblivion/Skyrim feel again. I want that Grand Theft Auto time suck. I'm not entirely sure what's going to immerse me again.  Battle Royales and First Person Shooters are great but it's very rare that I am actually interested or involved with their sto

Backlog Chronicles: The Outer Worlds

I have a ton of games in my backlog. A TON. Games, for whatever reason, are really good but I just haven't stuck with them. I will be the first to tell you that I get caught in the trap of playing the same Call Of Duty maps with friends rather than finish God Of War. I'm not proud of myself for this, but it happens far too often. So for 2022, I have decided to FINISH games that I have started. I got a jump on this by starting it this month. The game I wanted to complete first was The Outer Worlds. I started this game when it released initially back on the Xbox. Then, without playing more than 10 hours of it, I bought it again on sale on Playstation 4. I have a problem. Leave me alone. New save file, no problem. I'm glad I went this route because I could not remember a thing past the first 5 minutes of the game. All I know is I love Fallout New Vegas so I was SUPER interested in playing this. I decided that if I was going to playthrough the game for the first time, I wouldn&

My Halo Infinite Flight Experience

 Da da da duuuuuuhn. Da da da duuuuhhnnn. Halo is back! I had an opportunity to join in on the Halo Infinite flight over the weekend and I want to share my experience. This time around, I have done something I have never done in a Halo game before: I went full Mouse and Keyboard. Oh yes. It was a mess. But was it fun?? To my surprise, yes. Absolutely. Hands down. This game feels so smooth and nothing on the keyboard feels too far apart. Actually, it may become my preferred style of play down the road. I am primarily a console player (I know I know) so mouse and key is almost foreign to me. It's been since the days of Unreal Tournament 2003 and Soldier of Fortune that I had used these consistently. That's a super long time ago. So why did I start now? After so many years of perfecting the craft of controller convenience did I decide to lay my fingers down and learn something new? Well, besides the fact that my son has hijacked my Xbox, I wanted to prove to myself that I was capa